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  Game 2024025  
Sep 15, 2024
Canton 138 Rink
Home Team 5:20 PM Away Team
Northern Lights VS Crush


Score TBD


Northern Lights Goals

Period Time Scored Assists

Northern Lights Penalties

Period Player Penalty Min Time Off Time On

Crush Goals

Period Time Scored Assists
1 1110 17 - CONDOS 81
1 1009 55 - KEMEZIS 22
2 1106 81 - BAIRD (Sub) 17
2 906 1 - GRIFFIN (Sub) 81
2 31 22 - FARINA 55
3 433 17 - CONDOS 21

Crush Penalties

Period Player Penalty Min Time Off Time On

Northern Lights Penalties

Period # Penalty Minutes Off On

Crush Penalties

Period # Served Penalty Minutes Off On

Northern Lights Game Roster
# # This Game Player Status
0 PEPPER, Mary
14 LORD, Tamara
13 13 SUSI, Lydia
19 19 WISNIA, Nellie
21 21 FLOYD, Cory
25 25 OLEAN, Jamey
54 54 SMITH, Beth
79 79 GRAVEL, Angelia
QUINN, Nicole
11 BOUDREAU, Lauren
62 KENNEDY, Meghan
Crush Game Roster
# # This Game Player Status
22 FARINA, Nicole
0 DOONAN, Caitlin
55 KEMEZIS, Paige
0 HANZLY, Laura
0 RIZZO, Aura
10 10 BARRY, Michele
12 12 NOLAN, Virginia
12 7 BAIRD, Adriane (Sub)
15 17 CONDOS, Tara
16 1 GRIFFIN, Shannon (Sub)
19 19 VULIC, Katarina
21 21 DIPAOLO, Caroline
25 3 CHAMPION, Tammy
26 81 BAIRD, Maddie (Sub)

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