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  Game 2024011  
Sep 08, 2024
Bedford Upper
Home Team 7:10 PM Away Team
ECW B VS Stormchasers B




ECW B Goals

Period Time Scored Assists
1 522 37 - SCHNAIR 22
2 141 2 - EVANS

ECW B Penalties

Period Player Penalty Min Time Off Time On

Stormchasers B Goals

Period Time Scored Assists
1 1005 64 - D'ERAMO 28
2 431 64 - D'ERAMO 12
3 15 15 - MCNALLY 7

Stormchasers B Penalties

Period Player Penalty Min Time Off Time On

ECW B Penalties

Period # Penalty Minutes Off On

Stormchasers B Penalties

Period # Served Penalty Minutes Off On

No forfeits

ECW B Game Roster
# # This Game Player Status
37 SCHNAIR, Nicole
0 POULACK, Jacqui
2 2 EVANS, Ali
3 3 CRONIN, Emily
4 4 PITTS, Cheryl
11 11 WALKER, Taylor
14 14 MANZELLA, Allison
17 17 DEMARCO, Kelly
19 19 CONNER, Molly
21 21 IRVING, Molly
22 22 GRAHAM, Sarah
27 27 YANCEY, Jennifer
30 30 WOOD, Miriam
16 SULLIVAN, Brianne
Stormchasers B Game Roster
# # This Game Player Status
28 GAINES, Francesca
58 FINOCCHIO, Bailey
1 1 SAND, Rey
7 7 DRISCOLL, Nicki
10 19 BARRY, Michele (Sub)
10 10 RICH, Leslie
12 12 STLAURENT, Jamie
15 15 MCNALLY, Amy
21 21 GOLDSTEIN, Nitsan
64 64 D'ERAMO, Giuliana
DOHERTY, Michele
ARCESE, Darlene
4 KEMP, Christina

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